As a Doctor, have you ever had a new patient come to your practice where during the first appointment they informed you of a recently diagnosed medical condition? In some circumstances, these patients are usually following advice that has been given to them and simply getting a second opinion on the diagnoses.
Many Doctors and medical communities suggest that patients seek out a qualified second and possibly even third opinion on serious diagnoses. These potentially life or death medical predicaments make it entirely worthwhile for individuals to seek out a second and third opinions.
Typically these clients begin searching in google for doctors in their area that has experience treating certain medical conditions. These online prospects have shown to have extremely high conversion rates if marketed properly. These patients are in a very fickle predicament seeking a medical professional just like you, and may not know that you offer second-opinion medical diagnoses. Whether it’s a second opinion on a botched plastic surgery, or a second opinion on cancer that was discovered during a medical screening, or even a second opinion on X-rays or MRI results, we can help your doctors office find these eager patients on google.
In our experience, these patients have very advantageous costs-per-conversion as it’s not typically thought of by advertisers and doctors alike. This creates a low burden of entry with low advertiser costs & great reward. By working with DKBmedia in your local market, you’ll be able to increase call-in’s, appointments, and lead submissions for second-chance opinion diagnoses. This is a great opportunity to expand your practice, and serve as a caring voice during a pivotal time for these patient’s lives.
To find out more how DKBmedia can help you acquire these types of patients for your doctors office with Google Ads, please submit your contact information below: